Our financial performance, reputation and credibility.

Audit Committee

Chirman       : Prof. Dr. Gatot Nazir Ahmad, M.si

The curriculum vitae of the Chairman of the Audit Committee can be seen in the Management as an Independent Commissioner.

Member        : Budi Mulyani

Indonesian citizen, 54 years old. He took a Bachelor at the STIE “YAI” Jakarta (2005). He was appointed as Audit Committee Member of the Company in 2024.

Prior to joining the Company, he had experience as Finance, Accounting and Tax Manager at PT Faunaland Ancol (2021-2022), Accounting & Tax Manager at PT Fauna Indonesia and at PT Alam Nusantara Jayatama (2021-2022), Finance and Accounting Manager at PT Cermaimakmur Abadi International (2020-2021), Head of Finance, Accounting & Tax at PT Trimuda Nuansa Citra,Tbk (2018-2020), Head of Finance and Accounting  at PT Intra Asia Corpora (Holding Company) (2011-2018), Head Finance, Accounting and Tax at PT Deta Marina (2011-2018), Finance, Accounting and Tax at PT Balai Lelang Batavia, PT Batavia Indah, and at PT Batavia Investama (2004-2011), Accounting and Tax Officer at PT Intra Asia Corpora (2000-2024), Head of Accounting and Tax at PT Deta Marina (1992-2004).

Member        : Zulkarnain

Indonesian citizen, 60 years old. He took a Bachelor at the Akademic Finance and Perbankan “AKPYKP” Jakarta (1989). He was appointed as Audit Committee Member of the Company in 2024.

Prior to joining the Company, he had experience as Finance Managerr at PT Bina Karya (2016-2022), Head of Administrator Division road and bridge at PT Bina Karya (197-2016) and Head of Finance at PT Hidayat Amin (1990-1994)

What happened in Maja Bintang Indonesia

Our Company

We are very happy with what is in our company, making us more enthusiastic in serving our clients.

Launching Etos Kerja - Enasis Group

RREMBS 2022 Enasis Group - PT. Maja Bintang Indonesia

'“The goal as a company is to have a service that is not just the best but legendary”- Sam Walton

We strive to provide our best efforts in making sales and of course After sales service. The long-term relationship we build is based on quality tools and excellent service.