Our success and company history.




Asep Yedi

President Commissioner


has experience in the field of Analytical Instruments since 1997 in various positions such as Service Engineer, Sales Marketing and business development, with this experience together with colleagues in 2012 built a business in the field of Analytical Instruments.

  • 2024 – present : President Commissioner at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2022 – present : President Commissioner at PT. Karas Investama Indonesia
  • 2016 – present  : Director at PT. Translog Bumi Indonesia.
  • 2013 – 2024       : Director at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2012 – present  : Director at PT. Cipta Medika Indonesia
  • 2012- present   : President Director at PT. Enasis Indonesia (ENASIS GROUP)
  • 1991 – 1996 : Bachelor of Physics Instrumentation from Universitas Padjadjaran


Prof. Dr. Gatot Nazir Ahmad, M.Si, CIFM, CRA, CRP

Independent Commissioner


studied financial management since 2003, has experience as a member of the audit committee and risk management monitoring committee at PT. Rajawali Nusindo and is also a lecturer at UNJ education as a professor with a focus on financial risk management.

  • 2024-present  : Independent Commissioner at PT. Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2023                   : Member of Risk Management Committee PT. Rajawali Nusindo
  • 2021-2023        : Member of  Audit Committee  PT. Rajawali Nusindo
  • 2013-2017         : Head of Program studi S1 Management FE UNJ
  • 2006- present : Lecture FE UNJ
  • 2009-2013        : S3 Management of Finance from Universitas Padjadjaran



Dian Mozaix

President Director

has experience in the field of Analytical Instrument since 2003 as a sales marketing, and joined in 2013 with colleagues at PT Majabintang until now continues to develop Analytical Instrument Business.

  • 2022 – present : Director at PT. Karas Investama Indonesia
  • 2016 – present  : Commissioner at PT. Translog Bumi Indonesia.
  • 2013 – present  : President Director at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2012- present   : Commissioner at PT. Enasis Indonesia (ENASIS GROUP)
  • 2012 – present  : Commissioner at PT. Cipta Medika Indonesia
  • 2000-2003        : AKA (Academy Chemical Analyst)  Bogor


Febrianty Eka Putri


has experience in the field of Analytical Instruments since 2006 as a sales marketing, and joined in 2013 with colleagues at PT Majabintang until now continues to develop Analytical Instrument sales and also leads financial administration.

  • 2022 – present : President Director at PT. Karas Investama Indonesia
  • 2013 – present  : Director  at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 1998-1999          : Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from Institut Teknologi Indonesia


Bayu Kumara


has experience in the field of Analytical Instrument since 2015 as sales marketing, and joined in 2018 with colleagues at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia to enhance team development and Analytical Instrument business.

  • 2023 – present : Director at PT. Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2012 – 2017        : Bachelor of  Industrial Engineering from President University.

Tri Ari

Tri Ari Nurrochim


has experience in the field of Analytical Instrument since 2007 as Technical Engineer, and joined in 2013 with colleagues at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia as Technical Manager , Countinue as Marketing Director from 2017 until 2023, now having role as Technical Director ,Responsible to create sustain excellent service for customer.

  • 2022 – present :  Commissioner at PT. Karas Investama Indonesia
  • 2017 – present  : Director  at PT Maja Bintang Indonesia
  • 2000 – 2005      : Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from University Nasional

What happened in Maja Bintang Indonesia

Our Company

We are very happy with what is in our company, making us more enthusiastic in serving our clients.

Launching Etos Kerja - Enasis Group

RREMBS 2022 Enasis Group - PT. Maja Bintang Indonesia

'“The goal as a company is to have a service that is not just the best but legendary”- Sam Walton

We strive to provide our best efforts in making sales and of course After sales service. The long-term relationship we build is based on quality tools and excellent service.