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Stakpure – Omnia Lab

The big one. For H2O pure types I + II OmniaLabED+ is the larger allrounder for the complete laboratory. The perfect 100l tank system for both Type II applications and ultra pure water Type I. OmniaLabED+ is the system of choice when both pure water and ultrapure water are needed for the entire laboratory. The system complies with international water standards such as ASTM, ISO 3696 and CLSI. The economy of it is maximized by the inclusion of a continuously self-regenerating electrodeionizer, without having to give any demanding analytical applications a pass. Further to this, each OmniaLabED+-system holds 100 litres of pure water type II ready for withdrawal in a storage tank that is equipped with quality recirculation. OmniaLabED+ is exactly right as pure water supplier to autoclaves and laboratory washing machines.

Stakpure – Omnia Lab RO

The big one. For H2O pure type III OmniaLabRO fulfils your requirement when you have a need of a constant large volume of reverse osmosis water. OmniaLabRO fulfils your requirement when you have a need of a constant large volume of reverse osmosis water. For this, OmniaLabRO holds 100 litres in reserve in a storage tank. It is an optimal supplier to autoclaves, lab rinsing machines, air humidifiers and ultrapure water systems.

Stakpure – Omnia Pure

The specialist. For H2O pure type I. When your need is for highest quality pure water that fulfils the demands of analytical and life science laboratory requirements, then one of these OmniaPure systems type will be right for you. You can configurate it. The incorporated pre-treatment constantly ensures the reliability of your experimental results and reduces running costs.

Stakpure – Omnia Tap

The Allrounder. For H2O pure types I + II OmniaTap is the ideal system when both pure water and ultrapure water are required, but in relatively small amounts. The ability to provide both types from a single system results from the combination of ultramodern purification technologies. These also make it possible to connect the system directly to tap water. A press on the dispenser button activates dispensing of ultrapure water type I via the digital dispenser control. The recirculation of the pure water held in the installed 10 litre tank keeps it permanently at type II quality. The pure water tank has a second outlet for feeding downstream end users.

Stakpure – Omnia XS Touch Blueline

Omnia XS touch Blueline Pure and ultrapure water systems. Space-saving. Flexible. Intuitive. Resource-saving. H2O pure. Pure and ultrapure water from the super slim Omnia xs compact system with intuitive touch dispenser. Work space in laboratories must be used efficiently. The Omnia xs system frees up space on the lab bench and makes work more efficient.

Stakpure – RO & ED System

Reverse osmosis and electro-deionisation. The efficient way to produce and supply pure water on a centralised purified water supply. Stakpure pure water systems provide an efficient and cost-effective way of producing a centralised supply of pure water as required in laboratories, health care, pharmaceutical companies and industry. Stakpure pure water systems are configured to meet specific needs within a capacity range of 20 l/h to 6,000 l/h. This makes it possible to supply individual laboratory and medical systems, floors or even entire buildings.